
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why seafood?

I’ve always loved food. And my favorite food for a long time (since I can remember) is seafood. It is a bit strange to like seafood when I have lived so much of my life in a place that is both landlocked and a desert. But that is just a thing people think. The states of Nevada and Utah are actually well known for their seafood because they have excellent deals with daily shipments from the coasts. And in Las Vegas, food is above par to many places because it is such a resort kind of town. There are so many different styles and types of food here that anything can be found.
What I have learned to love most about seafood is the variety and versatility. The oceans touch so many places on the earth. And each country, region, and coastal town has found something different they want to do with the daily catch. This makes for such a great difference in the flavors for even the same ingredients. I think this is also what has pushed me to think about making food reviews. I have a lot of opinions on it!
Seafood is about immediacy and it is about good times. It is a special treat meant to be shared. The sea shanty and the pub tune are both long favorites of the sailing communities that celebrated the catch at the end of the day. I am drawn to so much of the culture and customs around seafood.
I don’t have enough to say about what pairs with the food. But I think that’s because I’m a regular work-a-day soul. I like what I like, and I enjoy the life I can create. I don’t have time to figure out what I’m “supposed” to be doing. I’m just going to go out there and do it!
I hope that a regular guy like me talking about food will appeal to others. They can read something from someone who gets what it is to come off a week of 10 hour shifts in the sun and want to have a few hours to prove it was all worth it. That is another thing, seafood is comfort food. It might not be that center of the road comfort of meat and potatoes, but it is the meat and potatoes of so many places. The south has its crawfish ettouffe, and the north has its cod and spuds. The west coast likes to dabble in sushi fusion and the east coast brought us the joy of butter sauces.
When I sit down to eat I like to think about the décor, but not much. I like things to be well-used, I don’t need it perfect, I just need it to be friendly and homey. I want a place where the workers appreciate that I also work. I don’t give them a hard time and they know I am going to treat them as well as they treat me. I’m a sucker for niceties like a chef’s table or tasting menu. I like when the place offers extras and incentives. Some of the chain restaurants do a great job with marketing and loyalty cards that help you feel, even to a big company, like you matter, like they see you as a regular and not just a number.
I hope that if you read this far you will keep with me. I’m going to tell you what I like, what I don’t like. And why. I hope I can convince you to get out there and try some food and maybe I’ll even inspire some others to sit down for a night and pound out a list of their own favorite foods. I look forward to being part of a community of eaters and sharers. For now, get ready to eat!

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